Top Ranked, Multiple Group Winning, Bronze Grand Champion Préféré True Reflection
Top Ranked, Multiple Group Winning, Bronze Grand Champion Préféré True Reflection
Chuck finished in a flash with huge wins including a Best in Sweepstakes Specialty, Best Puppy in Specialty Show, and a huge Supported Entry Best of Breed win from the classes over a large entry of specials!
In limited exhibition as a young special in 2014, Chuck finished the year in the Top Twenty under the guidance of Bill and Taffe McFadden.
Chuck is currently being shown by Alvin “Beep” Lee Jr. and Shari Lee and has started out 2018 as a Top Five French Bulldog (All-Breed) with multiple group wins.
Sire: BISS CH Bella Ridge Imperiale Préféré’s Garcon Doux – Milo
Dam: CH Préféré Bella Ridge Spellbound, CGC, ROM (Bronze) - Sabrina
Health Clearances:
Hips - Good: (OFA# FBU-881G25M-VPI)
Patellas - Normal (OFA# FBU-PA1431/12M/P-VPI)
Cardiac - Normal (OFA# FBU-CA1374/12M/P-VPI)
Eyes - Normal (OFA# FBU-EYE242/2M-VPI)
CHIC # 99158
Bred, Owned and Adored by: Cindy Grant